Bard URF Calendar

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Running an URF Project

So at our first meeting you will all hear about our organizational change concerning events. Or the meeting may have happened and I told you to come here. In order to not overburden myself and to ensure everything can run without Sarah or I, when things come up as potential projects, a person will take it on as the leader. This mean a division of labor and responsibility.

By taking on a project, you are committing to doing a peice of work woth the resources and manpower of URF at your disposal, although you must motivate the process on your own. This is likely preferred to a sytem of officers who oversee different processes (aka one person always does advertising), instead letting a given individual locate the necessary people and materials to do anything.

Note that Village J remains ours through a diligence to offer things to the community. By choosing to head a project, you are being awesome and have helped Village J not only remain, but thrive.

Below is a checklist of things to consider:

-Most important of all: Set a date that works! Try not to conflict with other things, and once you have a date, stick to it and prepare as well as possible. It is hard to change things at the last second. There are/will be two slots that are identified as good times to plan things, and the schedule for these time slots will be available in the laundry room. Grab 'em quick!

Screenings/Meetings/Music Exchanges/Other events in J suites
-Send the date, time and info to and I will post it on the SPARC calendar for all to see, as well as put it in the weekly update.
-Get permission from the hosting suite

Events elsewhere:
-Guerilla art or performance art may need training, rehearsal, preperation, etc. but may not need registering, etc.
-Advertise more!
-Stop by SPARC to reserve the space, put it on the calendar and register it! I can't do this for you, but if you stop by when I'm in the office it'll be easier. If you stop by any other time, you need to bring a second event host.
-Send me info to put in the weekly update.
-Locate people and prepare them for anything that needs to be done.
-Meet with special staff and ensure the event can be run (e.g. in Kline)
-Submit check requests and reimbursement information to access club budgets.

<3 Jono

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